Two Turntables & a mixer that's how DJ Mykael V embarked on this journey. Ever since that first record scratch DJ Mykael V has been lighting crowds up with his infectious high energy sets, top notch DJ skills, and a charm like no other. DJ'ing in Arenas around the world with acts such as Dude Perfect, Lecrae, John Crist, nobigdyl. & working with the NFL, NBA, & Good Morning America, DJ Mykael V brings the authenticity of his upbringing and the light of Jesus Christ into every room and stage he's on unapologetically.
With the mantra 'God Always' DJ Mykael V seeks to find and give glory to God in any and all situations. Being one-fourth of the supergroup 'Indie Tribe' whose debut album went Number two overall Hip Hop on iTunes, Top 10 On Spotify USA & Worldwide & also made it onto BillBoard Top. two-hundred. DJ Mykael V wants to empower the next generation of artists & people alike to authentically live out the calling God has on their lives and do it at a high level of excellence and authenticity. Join him on this journey and we'll see you at the finish line